Saturday, August 21, 2010


Well we are off on a cloudy Saturday to one of our favourite spots. Many a weekend when the weather is showing rain we spend the day indoors antiquing.
This time I took my camera. Ready at the drop of a hat to take pictures of what I may purchase or maybe dream of.

Then what do my twinkling eyes see." Be still my heart" a featherweight. Only $250.00 My dh could not understand why would I want something that small and old. Please Santa put this on my wish list.....

As we carried on down the many isles we came upon transferware dishes, in browns, greens and blues. Where oh where have the pink dishes gone??? . I have been looking for pink for some time. If I wanted to collect blue I sure could have today...
Many that I would like to add to my collection.

There were toille painted trays. This one was so cute.

Many jugs, this one Alfred Meakin Edinburgh. Just thought this one would go well with my collection. This came home with me as well as
this platter Ridgeway, County Days.

My Dh (clowning around) found this neat barbers chair. Only $1,000.00. I'll buy you the chair, you buy me the

Time to go, time for coffee at Tim's. until next time


  1. It is so interesting that you found a feather weight today. A couple of my friends called me yesterday as they were antiquing in Minnesota yesterday and called me here back in Iowa here in the U.S. They two found one up for sale for the same exact price.
    I think that is rather funny, don't you. :)

  2. That was a great price for the FW. A while back I did some price checking and it seemed an average price for one in almost pristine condition was around $500. How much fun to live where you can go "antiquing". No places like that here in SE AZ.

  3. Did you walk away from the featherweight...Please tell me you bought it. At that price it was a steal.


  4. That featherweight needs to go home with you. LOL

  5. You should pick up that little Singer, my dear before Christmas. Say like, now!
    That's not a bad price for that at all, and looks in real good shape. Thank you for sharing.
    Happy Quilting!

  6. $250 and you didn't buy it, Linda? Yikes! AT that price I'm wondering if it had a motor? *wink*

  7. Guess I will ad my comment about the Featherweight as well. I think the price has come down a little. Like one gal said they were going around the $450 - $500 range. So the price is great. There is a gal in our area that sells them if your interested in looking at others.
    Looks like all in all it was a great way to spend the day touring.

    Judi B

  8. Fun shopping day. I love those brown dishes.

  9. What a splendid way to spend a rainy day. A Featherweight would look good at your place I think. How did you resist? ann...
