Friday, August 19, 2011

Snowman Snowman Snowman

Snowman... No not that time of year yet!  Got ya thinking right...

My dear grandaughter  has hers finished.  Remember , ok maybe not but back in March on spring break My grandaughter and I had a craft day making snowman.  Paper clay and styrofoam balls.

Here is hers finished. What a great job! She finished hers yesterday. Did I mention that she just turned eight.

We started back in March and  used paper clay(found at Michaels) and molded the paper clay onto styrofoam balls.(dollar store)
We used wooden sticks to hold the legs and arms and head in place.
The nest step , be patient and wait for the clay to dry.. Months go by... No it does not take that long, but we didn't want to rush...
Next she  put on a coat of gesso. (Found at Michaels) . Once the gesso dried ...more time went by,
She then could start to paint... wait on went the glue and glitter..
Then came the paint.  Here she is painting her snowfriend.  Nana came upon this free sled and thought it would be perfect with the snowfriend.
We added some new sled rope and papa glued on the snowfriend to the sled.

It's never too early to start your Christmas Crafts.
PS  I'm still working on mine...
until next time,


  1. Your grandie did a great job on her snowfriend! Give her a high 5 from me!

  2. Great project. You are so lucky to be able to craft with your grandchildren. Enjoy!
