Friday, April 23, 2010


Friday Already... Where has this weeek gone, We have had exceptionally beautiful weather.
This is where my time has been spent. Count the gardens. We have never had so many gardens at any of our previous homes.

Every garden is loaded with flowers. Every garden needs weeded. Grass, grass and more grass...
The front bed in front of our home..

East side of the garage, all perennials

East lot line, many rose bushes.
Side of the garage, bleeding hearts and?????
Another one out back with Lupines, Black eyed susans and ????

Our stable. We are going to be moving this to make it into a two car garage for our old vehicles.
And putting on Coach doors.

I can't wait to decorate the front....
Here is Max and Fergus.
Phlox along west side of house.

This is how far I have gotten with my x-stitch. This other pattern Country Gallery will be my next venture. Have a great weekend...


  1. You've started your stitchery...good girl! What a surprise all of those lovelies have been for you in this new house. You never know what you will see what are the colors of the roses? Enjoy!

  2. It all looks so beautiful. You must be delighted that Spring is putting on her best show. Ann :-)

  3. Isn't spring wonderful! And how fun to watch and find out what you have in your flowerbeds! :0)
